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Resource Library

Take advantage of our free resource library to develop security strategies and ensure compliance with any framework or regulation.

Self-Assessment Tool

Use our free cybersecurity self-assessment tool to see how you measure up against industry best practice.

Policy Template: Usage of Generative AI in the Workplace

This policy will empower employees to leverage AI tools responsibly, protecting the company and its stakeholders from potential risks. It includes:
  • Purpose: Outline acceptable usage of AI technologies, address potential risks and protect employees and stakeholders from harm.
  • Policy Scope, Enforcement & Distribution
  • Authorized usage, data security, content verification & legal compliance
  • Employee and supervisor responsibilities

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Contact us for a no cost, no commitment assessment of your technology or security needs. We will be happy to discuss your needs in more details.

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Ready to simplify your compliance journey and partner it with your cybersecurity defence strategy? Book a demo to explore the possibilities.
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